The 90 Day Way

The most comprehensive, and proven, step-by-step path to launching your children's book and becoming a published author in just 90 days!

The 90 day way is perfect for

you if...

This Ultimate Self-Publishing Accelerator is perfect if you...

  • You don't want to be taken advantage of by a predatory publisher

  • You want to know exactly how to self-publish a high quality book

  • You feel overwhelmed and don't have the time to figure it all out yourself

  • You don't want to waste time and thousands of dollars making costly mistakes

  • You're ready to take action and turn your dream into a reality!

  • You don't want to be taken advantage of by a predatory publisher

  • You want to know exactly how to self-publish a high quality book

  • You feel overwhelmed and don't have the time to figure it all out yourself

  • You don't want to waste time and thousands of dollars making costly mistakes

  • You're ready to take action and turn your dream into a reality!

Space is Limited and Cart Closes in...

The step-by-step course teaches you exactly how to self-publish your children's book.

(Plus, how to avoid the biggest self-publishing mistakes). Self-Publishing Made Simple signature program is open for enrollment NOW. Self-publishing your book doesn't have to be so hard...

  • My PROVEN step-by-step structure for self-publishing a high quality book!

  • Recommended Resources / Network

  • Group coaching and mentoring

  • Accountability assignments to keep you on track

  • Live weekly meetings with other authors in the group

  • Drop in hours for extra help and guidance

This course is PACKED with years of expert

knowledge on self-publishing! You'll learn:

  • My proven step-by step structure that will get your book completed in just 12 weeks

  • The TRUTH about predatory vendors, vanity presses, and others

  • The biggest self-publishing mistakes that could cost you thousands (and how to avoid them)

  • The most effective strategies to save time, energy and money when self-publishing

  • Secrets my authors implement to write award winning books... yours could be next!

  • 7 essential steps to creating the book of your dreams

  • The single most valuable way to save months on the publishing process

  • Why only 1% of authors ever finish their book and how you can beat the statistics!

About Your Teacher

April M. Cox

Hey there! My name is April and those four rays of sunshine to the right are my grandchildren and the entire reason I started writing children's books.

I cherished every moment snuggled up with these little ones getting lost in a favorite story together.

Course Description and Details

The author will work through twelve modules
(1 for each week) that will focus on the seven key phases of publishing:

1) Planning

2) Writing

3) Editing

4) Illustrations

5) Design & Formatting

6) Publishing Your Book

7) Sales & Marketing


  • 7 essential steps to creating the book of your dreams

  • Secrets my authors implement to write award-winning books... yours could be next!

  • The TRUTH about predatory vendors, vanity presses, and others

  • The single most effective way to save time, energy and money when self-publishing

  • The single most valuable way to self-publish your book

  • My proven step-by step structure that will get your book completed in just 12 weeks!

  • The biggest self-publishing mistakes that could cost you thousands (and how to avoid them)

These are the same secrets I have taught hundreds of authors which now have award-winning children's books... and now, it's your turn!

P.S. I really poured my heart and soul into this course to make it the best for you. I'm sure you'll love it, see you inside!


Required Knowledge: None! I help everyone from beginner to expert... and that includes you!

Setting: Virtual/Online/GroupCourse

Length: 12 Weeks (but it's fine to go at your own pace)

Live Meetings: Tuesdays, Thursdays

Afternoon option: 1pm Eastern, Eve: 8-9pm Eastern

Ready to Learn How to Self-Publish Your Book?

Sign up now to start your journey!

Whether you are crossing off a bucket list item, honoring a family member or just getting your own story out there, this course will provide you with everything you need to make that happen.


  • Online Video Lessons, Tools, And Templates

  • Pre-Vetted Resources (Editors, Illustrators, Designers, Video Editors, Web Designers Etc)

  • 3 X 30 Min Coaching Sessions:

    -  Orientation Session

    - Planning Checkpoint

    - Pre-Launch Checkpoint

  • Additional Coaching Hours Available

  • Eworkbook


Better Together

  • Online Video Lessons, Tools, And Templates

  • Pre-Vetted Resources (Editors, Illustrators, Designers, Video Editors, Web Designers Etc)

  • 3 X 30 Min Coaching Sessions:

    - Orientation Session

    - Planning Checkpoint

    - Pre-Launch Checkpoint

  • 15% Off Any Additional Coaching Hours.

  • Eworkbook

  • Printed Workbook

  • 12 Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

  • Self-Publishing Resource Library (6m Access)

  • Author Workgroup Support

  • Private Fb Group



  • Online Video Lessons, Tools, And Templates

  • Pre-Vetted Resources (Editors, Illustrators, Designers, Video Editors, Web Designers Etc)

  • 5 X 60 Min Coaching Sessions:

    - Orientation Session

    - Planning Checkpoint

    -Marketing Strategy

    - Pre-Launch Checkpoint


  • 30% Off Any Additional Coaching Hours.

  • Eworkbook

  • Printed Workbook

  • 12 Weekly Group Coaching Session

  • Self-Publishing Resource Library (12m Access)

  • Author Workgroup Support

  • Private Fb Group

  • Small Group Sessions X12

  • Hands-On Walk-Through

  • Special Guest Speakers

  • Author/Illustrator Matching & Contract Setup

  • Email Support

  • Mastermind Membership(6m)

  • Wix Web Site Templates


Vip Experience

  • Online Video Lessons, Tools, And Templates

  • Pre-Vetted Resources (Editors, Illustrators, Designers, Video Editors, Web Designers Etc)

  • 5 X 60 Min Coaching Sessions:

    - Orientation Session

    - Planning Checkpoint

    -Marketing Strategy

    - Pre-Launch Checkpoint


  • 40% Off Any Additional Coaching Hours.

  • Eworkbook

  • Printed Workbook

  • 12 Weekly Group Coaching Session

  • Self-Publishing Resource Library (12m Access)

  • Author Workgroup Support

  • Private Fb Group

  • Small Group Sessions X12

  • Hands-On Walk-Through

  • Special Guest Speakers

  • Author/Illustrator Matching & Contract Setup

  • Email Support

  • Mastermind Membership(6m)

  • Wix Web Site Templates

  • Wix Mailing List Automation

  • Amazon & Ingramspark Setup

  • Keywords & Categories Analysis

  • Bio & Book Description

  • Personal Success Advisor

  • Launch & Marketing Support

  • A+ Content Design

  • Best Seller Campaign

  • Ads Set Up

  • Inclusion In Spms Newsletters, Spms Social Media Posting

  • Free Courses: Kickstarter & Amazon Ad


What Others are Saying

Testimonials from our students

A group of former students shared their experience in the current workgroup and my team created this testimonial reel for me. I have to be honest, I had to choke back some tears. I am so honored to have worked with each and every one of these amazing authors!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get access to the live trainings if I miss one?

Yes! We record our sessions and post slides and replay. You can also take advantage of the drop-in hours to get additional help or schedule a 1:1 coaching session if you're stuck.

Do you offer 1:1 mentoring?

Yes! Participants can purchase 1:1 mentoring (4 hours) as an add-on to the course and can purchase more as needed at a deeply discounted price.

Do you offer additional services to help me through the process?

Yes, absolutely! There is no obligation to purchase additional services, however, you will find publishing services on our web site at

What happens when the group is over?

You will have lifetime access to the replays and content. We also invite you to connect in our Mastermind community where alumni connect and continue to learn and grow their self-publishing knowledge.

How much time should I commit in order to be succesful?

It depends! Most of our authors spend an average of four to six hours per week. At the beginning it is less time-intensive but peaks around week four.

What if I need more time after the course?

No problem! Things come up and people learn at different paces. The events are all recorded and you can take your time to get through the material. You have lifetime access and can purchase additional coaching if necessary.

If not now, then when?

Join me for the 90-Day Way and walk away with your dream book published!